Exciting times when the new employee enters the conference room for a CEO introduction! The new recruit is the quiet strong type, a bit like a northern Swede!
Client: Scania. Agency: Åkestam Holst NoA. Produced by: Bleck Stockholm. On line artist: Wille Rising. Executive Producer: Jens Odelbring. Producers: Samuel Hahn & Agnes Ahlstedt. Editor: Robin Siwe. Grade: Oskar Larsson.
If you want to boost your credit score you are now about to watch just the right commercial! Using Experians new card and account feel like this looks! Every transaction and purchase is worth celebrating like it’s 1999 all over again!
Client: Experian. Agency: The cooler@Experian. Produced by: Smuggler. Executive Producer: Allison Kunzman. Producer: Ben Roberts. Post production: StyleWar & Uppercut. Editor: Noah Herzog.
The challenge here was to feature as many new products as we possibly could in bare 6 seconds! The landscape ticked quite a few of LIDL’s products in a fun way we think and the flour-powered tetra packets did a good job on the fish wires. The bolt that shot the 6 seconds in realtime was brutally fast!
Client: LIDL. Produced by: Bleck Stockholm. Post production: StyleWar. Executive Producer: Sofia Swahn. Producers: Samuel Hahn & Agnes Ahlstedt. Editor: Robin Siwe. Grade: Oskar Larsson.
Monday.com wanted to show the range of their product ability, and Moustache agency contacted us to visualize this. To make it in time for the super rigid super bowl deadline we had a big part of the action taking place in camera, but a big chunk of post was also added to the mix! As you can see there is no limit using this product! Enjoy!
Client: Monday.com: Produced by: SMUGGLER LA. Post production: StyleWar. Executive Producer: Allison Kuntzman. Producer: Gustav Geldenhuys. Editor: Noah Herzog. Grade: Max Stromberg.
Director and VFX - StyleWar
Executive Producer - Elizabeth Doonan
Editor - Noah Herzog
Online and Grade - The Mill LA
Production Company - SMUGGLER
Directors Rep - OB Management
If your money are lazy doing nothing to grow, you should probably start to look at options. The big traditional banks are experts in charging you a fortune for just sitting on your money. We had a crowded set with puppeteers and crew focusing on having these small bills come to life being very lazy!
Client: Ally bank Agency: Anomaly Produced by: Smuggler US Post production: Bonfire
Without internet the world stops. Without good internet the business gets flaky. This spot visualise the feeling having a problematic internet and how smooth it can get if you get the right support. We’ve all been there with the glitching making a halt to your operations, so it was easy to make the messed up part feel familiar.
Client: Telia Agency: Forsman & Bodenfors Produced by: Bleck Post production: Swiss International
We present to you; the jodler from Bavaria! ENJOY!!! Not many of these guys grow on trees so this is def his 15 minutes..
Client: Hyundai Agency: Innocean Worldwide Americas Produced by: Smuggler L.A. Post Production: The mill
English summer is full of surprises, rain is maybe the least surprising summer weather so here we show a true pro how to handle it even in it’s smallest form. The guy is usually casted in war movies or gangster movies so he was delighted to handle this delicate umbrella so swiftly!
Client: BBC
Produced by: Smuggler U.K.
Post production: StyleWar
Porsche 70 years.
In the 80s this brand was the yuppies favorite car but not only spoiled brats with loads of cash like this car, especially the 911 is the mother of sports cars, so it was a pleasure to get that particular one in front of the camera.
Client: Porsche Produced by: Smuggler U.K
An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
In this spot we see the new gorgeous iphone X model and what you can do with it! This project was so secret it was almost so the security team wanted to tape our eyes at the shoot, so we couldn’t tell anyone what was shot. Not really but the spot came out nice and It was a pleasure to craft this one!
Client: Apple Produced by: Smuggler L.A.
Robots are forever!
When the heat wave hit Europe this summer, we timed it well with hanging out in a non air conditioned studio in balkan land Serbia. 50 degrees Celsius was the temperature and you could probably fry eggs on the studio roof. Anyway It’s a futuristic retro vibe going on in these spots and we like the forecast of the future that’s here already!
Client: ElonAgency: Ingo Sthlm Produced by: Standart Post Production: Swiss/StyleWar
The ultimate visual experience, comes with pop corn and burning rubber
Client: Shaw EXO Produced by: Smuggler L.A Agency: BBDO Toronto Post production: Swiss International
This multi media piece is quite unique since the product isn't in, but we think we've got a really nice feeling of that little clever car of theirs, and hopefully you get inspired to be FOR it and other topics that is even more important than the vehicle itself!!
Client: SMART cars Agency: BBDO Berlin Produced by: Stink Berlin Post production: StyleWar
It's a magical morning in Ibiza! You had your night of your life! And now it's time for the burger to seal the perfect night out! Then you find a bottle that you feel is kind of strange here on the neat beach! You touch it with your toe and BAM!! The rest is film history, or at least a very cool commercial!!
Client: Burger King Agency: Try Produced by: Standart Post production: Swiss.se
The camera is here going bezerk flying in and out of a couple of Nissan cars! We have a long history of doing this trick in commercials. To note this one contained challenging moments like fast rising tide at the beach and fire almost burned the cameraman to charchoal! But no humans were harmed in the end which was a relief!
Client: Nissan Agency: X Produced by: Smuggler LA Post production: The Mill
What's going on at the Somersby estate we were wondering. To find out we went there with some film cameras and arrived just in time to document Lord Somersby inventing dance! We followed the new trend around the world and came back to edit it all together with too many bottles of product at the office which was a dangerous combination with our new 9 meter office balcony in the spring sun...
Client: Carlsberg world wide Agency: Robert Boison & like minded Produced by: StyleWar Post production: StyleWar
The Hobbits finally settled in the Shire and lived a long and happy life, eventually they cross breeded with rabbits...!? This magical story is taking place now in Dells new commercial and is best watched on their new borderless laptop for stunning visual quality!
Client: Dell Agency: Y&R New York Produced by: Smuggler Post production: The Mill
What if super evil aliens attack earth? What insurance company would you call to get refund for the damage done by the aliens to your property? if living in the Netherlands it would probably be Centraal Beheers you'd call. When we got this script we simultaneusly reacted the same; At last a chance to do a star wars-esque film with 1/1000 of the budget!! A high light on the shoot was the lunch break with the ex spetznatz soldiers dressed as aliens. We had a lot to talk about, old war stories and secret missions in eastern europe...
Client: Centraal Beheers Produced by: Stink UK Agency: DDB Amsterdam Post production: StyleWar & Swiss.SE
If you live on an island in the swedish archipelago, we suggest you keep your hands off your opposite sex cousins even if they're the only hotties near by! In this spot the hero can, with help from a tasty coke bottle, mix gene pools with anybody in a vibrant big city. He can also focus on people with various musical flavours which makes his character super spectacular! Coke never requested the sequal to reveal the outcome of the marriage at the end, but we have the sketches ready if they do!
Client: Coca Cola Agency: Santo Produced by: Stink UK Post production: Swiss.se
If you are what you shoot, you better clean up your act! Being a foot fetishist would give your thoughts away pretty quickly! We realised this concept shooting in Prague a couple of lovely spring days. It was so hot it looked like LA! We shot it with repeatable camera rig, cut off all heads in post and replaced them with what they've shot!
Client: Sony Agency: Fallon London Produced by: Stink UK Post production: Swiss.se
In this commercial the stuntmen got a sneak preview to kingdom coma. And on top of that our DOP had his life summed up in a macro second when the helicopter had to tilt over for a straight down angle. (We thought it was funnier with an old vietnam rig, rather than using wes cam that is for sunday sailors.) The spot turned out really entertaining we think and we got loads of stories for the grand children at the open fire place later on so all good!
Client: Estrella Damm Agency: Villa Rosas Produced by: Stink UK Post production: Swiss.se
The way living together and share a flat is a common thing while you’re young or being a grown up hippie, but at one point you feel it’s time to get your self an own crib to relax in. The hamsters represent the collective way and in our spot we see how the japanese hamster is reporting back home how things are going at the flat shared with friends.. obviously he’s lying!
Client: Sparebank Agency: Kitchen Produced by: Standart post production: StyleWar/Lillasyster